Hey! I’m Stephen, and it’s so awesome to finally meet you.
If we were in person, I probably would have already shouted something ridiculous at you and wrapped you up in a hug. So if you don’t get anything else from the stuff you read on these pages, just know this: in life as well as on this website, I’m so glad you chose to be here.
First, I’m a follower of Jesus and most passionate about helping people recognize their worth, pursue their purpose, and live with intentionality. My vision for publishing books from the beginning has included taking a portion of the royalties I earn and reinvesting it into humanitarian organizations to support them financially and help raise awareness for their causes. So if we’re talking who I am or what I’m about, it all centers around instilling value into people.
Writing wise, I’m a multi-genre author who explores themes of faith, hope, loss, and love. I’ve published three books to date: a Christian fiction novel called To Dance, a young adult contemporary novel called The Space Between Fire and Ashes, and a children’s picture book called The Bat and the Mule.
Most recently, I signed a contract with the literary agency, Waterside Productions, and we are currently pursuing the publication of my first nonfiction book, Demons Know My Name.
On the flip side of things, I’m in my 13th year of teaching and currently teach 7th grade social studies at a middle school in our hometown. If I’m not in the classroom, reading, or writing, then I’m most likely enjoying movie nights at the house, pursuing life together with friends, or traveling with my incredible wife, Megan. We are both Southern born and bred and live in Tennessee.